Monday, December 12, 2011

Fierce Beauty: Choosing to Stand for What Matters Most by Kim Meeder

I really enjoyed this book.  First off, Kim Meeder has a delicious and poetic way with words!  A great storyteller, Kim takes you on a magnificent adventure through God's beautifully created world.  Whether canoeing through the swamps or hiking through mountains and boulders, the rich imagery shows you how creative God is and that *all* of His creations are beautiful.

Meeder starts each chapter off with a vivid event from her own life and ties them together with spiritual disciplines and application.  She speaks of living a life committed to Jesus and what that entails.  She tells women to take off their princess crowns, put the mirror down, and get down and dirty in a life for Jesus.

"We often chase after this world's definition of beauty and value and reject genuine worth offered by our Lord."  Meeder defines True Beauty using God's definition instead of the world's, " is not from the outside in...but the inside out," and she quotes 1 Peter 3:4.  She tells us that what makes us beautiful is God's glory *inside* of us, and that this is truly reflected to the world around us when we are serving others.

Through each chapter, we learn the price of sin, the depth of sin's hold on us, and how to release it to Jesus.  We learn that our hope is through our King, His promises, and His plans for our lives.  We learn that no matter what has gone on in our lives, Jesus is with us.  "Even if we're discarded by those who promised to fill our lives with love, the Lord Himself vows to always be with us, no matter what wilderness we find ourselves lost in."

The book closes with a beautiful call for us to do our part and to stand strong, to praise and adore not our own reflections but the One who created us to begin with.  Instead of being a princess, stand as a warrior for Christ. "But no matter what blows he (Satan) might deal, and though you are wounded and worn, stand and fight in the truth..."  as a bride of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

My rating: 4 out of 5 stars
I received this book free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.
Read an excerp here:
See a video here:


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